Defending your Money

Missourians deserve a Treasurer who will fight to keep MO money in Missouri.

Why I’m Running

You deserve a Treasurer who’s focused on the bottom line - not politics. Someone who will serve the people and not themselves. You deserve a proven leader.

What mark Stands For

CHAMPIONing Missouri Families

As a husband and father of two young daughters, Mark understands the demands and costs of raising a family. He will make Missouri the place families want to stay in and move to rather than leave.

🛡️ PROTECTing Funding for Missouri Retirees and Farmers

Missouri government has played fast and loose with benefits earned by our retired citizens and enhancements for Missouri farmers to thrive. As a 4th generation Missourian, Mark will not bend or yield to the games of Jefferson City threatening to end these benefits.

💲INCREASing RESOURCES for First Responders and Teachers

As a Missourian who attended public schools and as a soldier deployed to war twice, Mark personally understands the critical need for supporting those who protect and educate us…because he’s lived it